The Macnamara Blog

New Outlook

How To Add a Shared Calendar to the New Outlook

The “New Outlook” for Windows introduces a range of exciting features, intelligent assistance capabilities, and a sleek, simplified design to enhance your email and calendar experience. With these updates, you can tailor the app to fit your unique style and boost your productivity like never before.

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New Outlook

How To Schedule and Snooze Your Emails with the New Outlook

Microsoft’s New Outlook is a modern, streamlined version of the popular email client, designed to enhance productivity and provide users with a more experience. Featuring a sleek interface and improved functionality, New Outlook integrates seamlessly with other Microsoft 365 applications.

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New Outlook

How To Locate Shared Mailboxes in New Outlook

The New Outlook is being rolled out and Microsoft have made some changes to the way you find and view your shared mailboxes. This short How To guide will show you how to locate these shared mailboxes, ensuring you don’t miss those important emails!

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Best practices

How To Set Up Signatures In Outlook

Email signatures are important and have a number of purposes. A well designed signature can be a real benefit to your company brand. They also provide all your contact details, can be used to help with marketing campaigns, and if you’re a business, provide important required information about your company registration. Here’s some guidance on adding signatures in Outlook.

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How To Find The Conflicts Folder in Outlook

In Outlook, the Conflicts folder is like a record of problems when your emails don’t sync well with the mail server. If there’s trouble syncing, you might end up with extra copies of the same email. These issues get listed in the Sync Issues folder. You wouldn’t often need to look in this folder, but over time it can get quite big, so you might occasionally need to see it to empty some space.

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Best practices

How To Get Best Experience From Your Wireless Access Point

We all know that Wi-Fi can be much more convenient for your office setup than connecting everything via cable, and as Wi-Fi speeds and connectivity get better, more offices are switching to wireless. However, many people have concerns that wireless is less reliable than cabled, and they worry that they will struggle with weak signals or frequent disconnections. This blog will provide you with all the knowledge you need to get the best wireless experience and keep you at your desk rather than under it, fiddling with cables.

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Information Management

Copilot for Microsoft 365

Copilot for Microsoft 365 is here and in general release. This post is a summary (not by Copilot, but by us!) of some introductory documentation from Microsoft Learn on what it is, how it works, and how you can incorporate it into your Microsoft 365 experience.

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How To Set Your Default Font in Outlook

If you find yourself wanting to change the default font for your Microsoft Outlook emails or perhaps want to unify the style as a part of a broader branding effort, there is a quick way to do it.

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AI Support 09
Macnamara blog

IT Support vs IT Security – Are You Getting The Service You Deserve?

Small businesses are just as vulnerable – if not more so – as larger organisations to cyberattacks, data breaches, and other IT-related issues (including simply poorly maintained equipment) that can compromise their operations, reputation, and profitability. They also need an occasional helping hand with some of the more everyday helpdesk issues that arise, be they problems, or simply helping to get new staff set up on the systems.

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Macnamara blog

Copilot and AI in Windows 11

Over the last 2 years AI has taken the tech world by storm, and for good reason. With the release of AI models such as DALL-E and ChatGPT, we have seen what AI is truly capable of and this is just the beginning.
Microsoft is keen to utilise this breakthrough in technology and is introducing a seamless integration of popular AI features into Windows itself. No more creating accounts on various platforms, or even downloading large models manually and using funky command lines (looking at you Stable Diffusion), it will all be at your fingertips within Windows.

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Best practices

What is Information Management and Information Security?

Before the cloud, when businesses were primarily working from an office, they knew where their information was, how people could access it, how it was backed up and how it was protected. Now since we’re ever increasingly working in the cloud and from multiple remote locations, it’s less clear. This can cause all sorts of problems and headaches for businesses, including a heightened risk of becoming the victim of fraud through to non-compliance with your legal and regulatory obligations.

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Unlocked Padlock
Best practices

Why You Shouldn’t Mix Personal and Business Browsing

Using browser profiles is extremely useful. It allows you to sign in on multiple devices and get the same bookmarks, passwords, and history across your devices. BUT, you should never use the same profile for work that you use for your personal browsing, and for good reason.

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Teams Phone
Microsoft 365 Apps

How To Configure Your Teams Phone Settings

If you use Teams for your phone system, you get quite a lot of control over your own account to set up things like voicemail and forwarding. This is particularly useful if you are going on leave and want to either set all your calls to go to voicemail or redirect them to someone else. You can customise your voicemail greeting in much the same way as you set an Out Of Office auto reply on your emails.

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How To Free Up Space In Your Mailbox

If you’ve ever struggled with your mailbox storage filling up, this guide is here to assist you. We’ll provide you with easy steps and tips to declutter your Outlook, manage attachments, and create more space. By following our easy-to-understand instructions, you’ll be able to optimise your Outlook experience and enjoy a cleaner, more organized mailbox.

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How To Run an Advanced Search in Outlook Web

If you need to search for emails, Outlook is pretty good, but it has its limits. Not least of all, it only goes back so far. When you search in Outlook desktop it’s looking through the emails that it has downloaded and cached on your computer, which is usually no more than 2 years worth, maybe less. If you need to search further back, you’ll need to get into the webmail version, which will display all results from your mailbox.

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How To Change Outlook Settings: Teams Meetings

Have you noticed that every time you create a meeting in Outlook and invite someone else it always creates a Teams meeting as well? This can be 1) useful if you use Teams a lot, 2) a bit annoying if you don’t, it’s just a reminder or an in-person meeting or 3) inconvenient if you use Zoom or other meeting plugins because Teams gets primacy and attendees may join the wrong meeting.

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How To Change Outlook Settings: Default Browser

Everyone has their own preferred browser, but if that’s not Edge then Outlook may have started opening links in emails in Edge regardless of your preferred choice. Setting another browser as default does not override this behaviour.

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Video Connectors

How To Identify Computer Display Ports and Cables

Choosing the right monitor for your PC, especially if you have multiple screens, can be problematic because unfortunately not all PCs and Monitors have the same port options. Some types of ports come in different sizes. If you have a multi-screen setup you might have multiple ports, but only 1 port of each of a certain type. Older PCs or laptops might also have ports that not available on newer monitors.

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How To Use Personal Bookings In Microsoft 365

Bookings in Microsoft 365 has had a little update recently. Now, in addition to having your own company bookings page, you can create one just for yourself, allowing you to send out a link to people to book an appointment with you at their convenience but using your own availability.

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