How To Add a Shared Calendar to the New Outlook

New Outlook
The "New Outlook" for Windows introduces a range of exciting features, intelligent assistance capabilities, and a sleek, simplified design to enhance your email and calendar experience. With these updates, you can tailor the app to fit your unique style and boost your productivity like never before.

Exploring the New Outlook for Windows

As of now, the new Outlook is still in its Preview version. This means that while many features are already available, some might still be missing or under development. However, this also presents a unique opportunity for you to be part of its evolution.

How to add shared calendar to new Outlook

One of the key functionalities of Outlook is the ability to manage and share calendars, making it easier to coordinate with your team, family, or friends.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add a shared calendar in the new Outlook for Windows:

  1. Open Outlook: Launch your new Outlook for Windows app.
Open the New Outlook
  • Navigate to Calendars: Click on the calendar icon in the upper-left hand corner of the app to switch to the calendar view.
Open the Calendar view
Open the Calendar view
  • Add Calendar: In the calendar view, look for the option to add a calendar.
Click 'Add Calendar'
Click Add Calendar
  • Choose to Add from directory
Choose 'Add from directory'
Choose Add from directory
  • Fill up the settings:
  • Select an account to add the calendar
  • Type name of email address of shared calendar
  • Add to: “My Calendars”
  • Click “Add”
Choose 1) the account to search from, 2) the calendar to view, and 3) add you your own calendars
Choose 1 the account to search from 2 the calendar to view and 3 add you your own calendars
  • Calendar has been added to your outlook: Shared calendar now is available at your outlook at left site pane
You will see the calendar in the list
You will see the calendar in the list

That’s it! Now you know how to add a shared calendar in the new Outlook for Windows. I hope this guide helps you make the most of your Outlook experience. Enjoy the enhanced features and modern design, and don’t hesitate to explore further.

More “New Outlook” guides:

If you found this guide helpful and would like to learn more about using the new Outlook for Windows, check out our other how-to guides. For example, if you would like to learn how to locate shared mailboxes in the new Outlook, follow this guide: How To Locate Shared Mailboxes in New Outlook – Macnamara ICT, or explore how Schedule and Snooze emails: How To Schedule and Snooze Your Emails with the New Outlook – Macnamara ICT

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